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Uxia Portela

Uxía Portela   BRIEF INFOUxía is studying a Bachelor´s degree in Political Science at Santiago de Compostela´s University. She´s now on her last year of studies,…


Developing VET Entrepreneurial Green Mindset and skills for Small-Business Development.GSMESKILL project will aim to reinforce the links between Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa to the…


FELLOWSHIPFELLOWSHIP is a project that aims to increase young people’s awareness, knowledge, skills and competencies by engaging them in Game-based learning (GBL) processes & methods…


Sport for Activation of Young NEET – SAYNThe project SAYN aims to develop an educational methodology to help youth workers empower young NEETs. The phenomenon…


Sport Trainers Squared – STS It is known that migrants are underrepresented in sport activities at different levels. European scholars support the hypothesis on the…


BioYouToon – Raising Youth Awareness of Biodiversity Conservation via Webtoon Raising Youth Awareness of Biodiversity Conservation via Webtoon – BioYouToon is a 24 month Cooperation…

Lisa Anzelini

Lisa AnzeliniEuropean Project Assistant  BRIEF INFOWorking as Assistant project manager and part of the reporting team for European projects implemented by NEST. She holds a…

Mattia Badano

Mattia BadanoEuropean Project Assistant  BRIEF INFOMattia Badano is a European Projects Assistant at NGO Nest with a multidisciplinary and multifaceted academic background. He is currently…