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Humanity– Training Course

Training Course in Kaunas (Lithuania) – 2nd-8th of September 2024
Aktion: Lehrgang  
Wo: Kaunas, Lithuania
Wann: 2nd-8th of September 2024  (travel days: 2nd and 8th of September 2024. Alternatively, you can depart on the afternoon of 7th September)
Thema: Humanity is an Erasmus+ project with a consortium between Czech Republic, Italy, Lithuania, Germany, Bulgaria, and Turkey, providing youth workers with new tools to help young people understand emotions as a means to successful adaptation, social integration, and wellbeing. 
ANSATZ / METHODIK: Nicht-formale Bildung.  
Wer kann sich bewerben? We are looking for 5 youth workers.
Was wird getan? In this training, youth workers will learn the methodologies that help young people identify personal strength and weaknesses, develop empathy and compassion for others, establish a collaborative, supportive, and inclusive working environment as well as build and maintain interpersonal relationships through practicing vulnerability.
Infopaket: PDF-Version zum Herunterladen hier.

Die Teilnahme ist free of charge and travel costs and accommodation are reimbursed!
Wenn Sie weitere Fragen haben, zögern Sie nicht, sich mit uns in Verbindung zu setzen, indem Sie das Kontaktformular benutzen oder uns eine E-Mail schicken an projects@ngonest.de!

Die Veranstaltung ist beendet.


Sep. 02 - 08 2024

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Kaunas, Lithuania
Kaunas, Lithuania