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Today, the ever-growing migrant population has become an inseparable part of the EU society. While refugees and non-EU migrants already face higher risks of social exclusion, those in the LGBTQI+ community are even more vulnerable. As a result, @nclusion aims to improve sensitization towards LGBTQI+ migrants by fostering cooperation between local authorities, LGBTQI+ organizations, and migrant organizations.


The purpose of the REVITALIZE THE SCHOOLYARDS as valuable sporting resources for the community” project is to study, create, test anddisseminate a strategic administrative mechanism managed by municipalities and designed to stimulate local partnerships between sportsorganisations and schools in order to co-govern, take care and regenerate the schoolyards, as valuable commons to expand and improvethe supply of recreational sport practices, in a capillary way and through replicable and sustainable financing scheme.


GSMESKILL project will aim to to reinforce the links between Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa to the Programme VET system and its labour market so as to better align VET to local labour market opportunities, to increase capacities of VET providers and teachers especially in the fields of management, governance, inclusion, quality assurance, innovation; and internationalization, to improve the level of competences, skills and employability potential of VET learners ...


CRAFT3D will focus its efforts in the wood manufacturing sector, with a specific attention to the promotion of the use of 3D printing in the industry. Developing a dedicated VET curriculum in the form of a MOOC, integrated by a work-based learning experience and with a tailor-made assessment tool to monitor learners' progress in a digital environment.

Sust3D Fashion

Sust3DFashion connects traditional textile and fashion crafts with Industry 4.0 through a MOOC-based vocational training program. It integrates 3D design/printing technology into a tradition-rich sector, promoting sustainability and market adaptability. Under COVID-19, the program leverages digital education, qualifying VET providers for online learning. Mentorship schemes connect experts, fostering the transition of the workforce into the green and circular fashion economy.


The recent social challenges and the urgent health and economical situations – with the covid 19 pandemic- creating multiple public and individual behaviors, continuous information and progressive changes, have set this concrete need for further media and news literacy among young citizens, who may be more affected (as frequent also users of the media) than the rest of the citizens regarding reactions and right behaviors towards the huge amounts of news/information.


The FEAT-DS project is dedicated to promoting inclusion and diversity in education, training, youth development, and sports, specifically focusing on individuals with Down syndrome. Instead of treating them as passive recipients, the project actively involves them as direct participants and contributors to the project's execution. The primary goal is to create an inclusive educational environment that caters to the specific needs of individuals with Down syndrome.


EmpowerTech is a project that helps young learners with Down syndrome by providing them with educational materials and electronics training. This helps them be more included in education and prepares them for future jobs. The project also shares new teaching methods to improve the quality of youth work programs.

Sport Trainers Squared

It is known that migrants are underrepresented in sport activities at different levels. According to the White Paper on Sports (2007) “the accessibility of sport activity needs to be ensured for all citizens the specific needs and situation of under-represented groups must be addressed”. The participants of the "Sport trainers squared" project will determine methods that can be used to prepare migrants to become sport trainers.


The project SAYN-SPORT FOR ACTIVATION OF YOUNG NEET aims to develop an educational methodology to help youth workers empower young NEETs. The phenomenon of youth unemployment is very widespread in Europe and in the partner countries. It can have very dangerous consequences for young people, such as psychological disorders, social exclusion, and proximity to juvenile delinquency.


FELLOWSHIP is a 24-month project that aims to increase young people's awareness, knowledge, skills and competences by engaging them in Game-based learning (GBL) processes & methods (Outdoor Game, Online Serious Game, Board Game) offered by youth workers to empower them to improve their emotional intelligence skills in order to achieve social development. GBL provides increased motivation, increased interest in specific topics, multiple representations and an open-ended approach to one's own learning process.


The general objective of the “European Week of Winter Sport” project is to encourage the participation in sport and physical activity while raising awareness about climate change and promote sustainability through the creation and the implementation of the European Week of Winter Sport. The priority that the project addresses the most is "Encouraging healthy lifestyles for all," with a focus on promoting physical activity and sport as a tool for health.


“FosterINg migranTs intEGRAtion with crowdfunding” The members of the consortium are aware of the needs of target group, such as young migrants aged 20-30 with critical backgrounds. The partners acknowledged the lack of competences for the educators to transfer knowledge about the way to respond to the labor market needs.


Women constitute 52% of the total European population, but just one third of the EU self-employed and of the start-up entrepreneurs. Starting a business or deciding to become self-employed appears to be a rather masculine prerogative and projections reveal that pre-existing gender gaps in the labour market, and in particular in entrepreneurship, will be amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic.


“Empowering the professional profile of people with migrant background” (JobLinguo) project is aimed to support the job market inclusion of people with migrant background through the improvement of their professional profile in terms of sectoral language, and to adapt the training offer of VET providers and other stakeholders to the linguistic needs of people with migrant background.

Up-Skill Cloud​

The European Commission has evidenced the great value that cloud computing technologies can have for the development of the European Union both in terms of economic growth and employability opportunities, which European Cloud Computing Strategy has recently set up to speed up and increase the use of cloud computing across all economic sectors, pointing the environmentally friendly cloud as well to enable other sectors to reduce their own footprints through digitization.

Becoming Digitally Conscious

BDC project targeted to the promotion of healthy digital habits among young people.The goal is to make this group aware of the potential dangers of making an excessive use of digital devices, such as psychological disorders. The project will contribute to increasing quality, innovation and recognition of youth work, supporting the sharing of methods to address the opportunities and implications of digitalization.


DIS - employability is a 24 - month Strategic Partnership in the field of Youth Education involving several European entities working with disabled people. It aims at providing disabled people with useful employability skills through the development of critical thinking for promoting their inclusion in the labour market. Critical thinking is considered an important methodology for the development of employability skills.


“ AgroRithm” aims to develop a concrete share of good practices about Agrotourism in order to sustain youth employability, environmental progress and social inclusion for the disadvantaged rural communities in Europe and Western Balkans. All by defining the issue that the rural communities face and targerting the solution core as enhancing the networks and capacities of local and national stakeholders, which are involved in sustainable agritourism.


“Pirouette” is a 24-months Capacity Building aimed at promoting the use of performative street arts such as circus, street dance and street painting as an innovative NFE methodology to foster social and civic engagement of youth and, eventually led to a community-led regeneration of urban/disadvantaged areas. The idea behind the project stems from the recognition of youth’s social and civic engagement as a driving force for community development.


Sport Activities to Foster Entrepreneurship

“Sport Activities to Foster Entrepreneurship” involved 24 youth workers and youth leaders (TC) and 45 Youngsters (YE), in an educational itinerary aimed at providing them with knowledge, skills and NFE tool to foster social inclusion, personal development and community engagement of disadvantaged youth categories (NEETs, youngsters from marginalized rural areas) in partner countries.


Many sectors are strongly hit by crises and education is certainly one of them. More and more users are now forced to use online classes or training, so the importance of recognizing the everyday threats to our security is now more important than ever. This topic is recognized as fundamental also by the European Commission that every year organize a European Cyber Security Month.

DISCoVeR Theatre

is a 24-months Strategic Partnership in the field of Adult education aimed at enhancing Cultural and Creative Industries’ (CCIs) outreach capacity targeting seniors, while involving seniors’ as active agents in the process in digital transformation of the cultural sector. Adult operators in CCIs and cultural organizations will receive training on how to engage a senior public in their activities, which due to the pandemic are going digital.


is focused on promoting peaceful interaction, mutual discovery and tolerance between natives and ethnic minorities youth through training young people in becoming potential Youth Digital Activists, in promoting intercultural dialogue in micro-realities through and in New Media Channels.