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DIS-Employability - Förderung der Beschäftigungsfähigkeit junger Menschen mit Behinderungen

DIS-employability is a 24-month Strategic Partnership in the field of Youth Education involving several European entities working with disabled people. It aims at providing disabled people with useful employability skills through the development of critical thinking for promoting their inclusion in the labour market. Critical thinking is considered an important methodology for the development of employability skills. People with a high level of critical thinking and reasoning are likely to be innovative, bringing new ideas and creative solutions to even the most difficult business challenges. “UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities”recognizes the right to work and employment as a fundamental right. The project will address and overcome systemic barriers to participation in education and the labour market that concern disabled people. According to Eurostat data, in 2010 in Europe, approximately 100 million EU citizens live with a disability. Their well being is affected by various barriers, such as inaccessible physical environments and transportation, the unavailability of assistive devices and technologies, non-adapted means of communication, gaps in service delivery, and discriminatory prejudice and stigma in society. Furthermore, the Report on Disability and Work, elaborated by the International Labor Organization on 2019, showed that lower employment and education levels cause the poverty rate for those with disabilities being 70% higher than the average, while the unemployment rate of around 4 million people in the European Union who have intellectual and relational disabilities is more than twice as high as for the general population. Based on this context, there is a clear need to target initiatives at these vulnerable people. Disabled people must overcome the barriers experienced as a result of the disability, and shall be provided with useful skills to tackle the challenges faced in the labour market.

Start: 01-11-2021  Ende: 01-11-2023

Projekt-Referenz: 2021-1-RO01-KA220-YOU-000028932

EU-Zuschuss: 37.470 EUR

Programm: Erasmus+

Schlüsselaktion: Lernmobilität von Einzelpersonen

Aktionstyp: Jugendmobilität


  1. Asociatia Babilon Travel Rumänien
  2. NRO NEST BERLIN EV Deutschland
  4. EDUFORMA SRL Italien
  5. Innovation Frontiers IKE Griechenland


  • Disabilities
  • Critical Thinking
  • Beschäftigungsfähigkeit


Youth workers who work in the field of Youth education in critical thinking.

Blended Mobility of Learners: disabled people aged 18+coming from disadvantaged urban and rural communities and Educators/Trainers providing or interested in providing support to their social inclusion

Indirekt: Bildungseinrichtungen, Nichtregierungsorganisationen, Kulturunternehmen und -verbände, Kunstzentren/Gruppen, Organisationen von Menschen mit Behinderungen, Organisationen/öffentliche Einrichtungen, die Dienstleistungen für Menschen mit Behinderungen anbieten.


DIS-Beschäftigungsfähigkeit zielt darauf ab, Menschen mit Behinderungen durch die Entwicklung von kritischem Denken nützliche Fähigkeiten für die Beschäftigungsfähigkeit zu vermitteln, um ihre Eingliederung in den Arbeitsmarkt zu fördern.


[NFE-Methoden, -Initiativen und -Aktionen...usw.]


Beschäftigungsfähigkeit Piloting2021-1-RO01-KA220-YOU-000028932


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