UPower - Erschließung des Potenzials von Frauen im sozialen Unternehmertum
Women constitute 52% of the total European population, but just one third of the EU self-employed and of the start-up entrepreneurs. Starting a business or deciding to become self-employed appears to be a rather masculine prerogative and projections reveal that pre-existing gender gaps in the labour market, and in particular in entrepreneurship. U.Power provides affordable products and services for women by addressing the above-mentioned problems to unlock women’s entrepreneurial potential, especially in social entrepreneurship.
Startdatum : 29/12/2022 Enddatum: 28/12/2024
Projekt-Referenz: 2022-1-IE01-KA220-ADU-000089829
EU-Zuschuss: 250.000,00 €
Programm: Erasmus+
Schlüsselaktion: KA 2
Aktionstyp: Cooperation Partnerships (Adults)
Projekt PARTNER:
- Meath Partnership [IE] (Coordinator)
- NGO Nest Berlin e.V. [DE]
- Tandem Plus [FR]
- Quality Culture SRLS [IT]
- Jinishian Memorial Foundation [AM]
- Women between 25 and 55 years old
- Adult educators and trainers
- Female entrepreneurs
- Adult education organizations, local, national and international policy makers
- General public
Projekt ZIELE:
- Strengthen the adult education sector providing coaching skills and competences for adult educators to effectively support women in an entrepreneurship path through a blended approach
- Provide women with skills and competences for a successful career development with a strong focus on social entrepreneurship
- Increase awareness among women, adult educators and, especially, policy makers on the challenge of gender equality and the importance of female empowerment and social entrepreneurship
Project partners believe that the European Adult education sector requires innovative tools and skills to effectively fight social exclusion and gender inequality. For these reasons, partners will develop a new blended approach to teach entrepreneurial skills that combines remote learning (MOOC) with individual coaching support. U.POWER will focus on social entrepreneurship competence, namely the capacity to act upon opportunities and ideas and to transform them into real values for others. This key competence is a combination of knowledge, skills and attitude, such as critical thinking, problem solving, team work, communication, creativity, pro-activity, sense of initiative and ability to make informed decisions in order to manage projects and businesses
(1) MOOC e-learning course for female Social Entrepreneurs
(2) Manual for adult educators
(3) Training of trainers & invidivual coaching sessions
(4) Policy recommendations
(5) (Trans)national research reports on Social Entrepreneurship