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Voices of Change (VOC): enhancing girls with migration background to cooperate in women policies in the European Consultative Body for Migrant Girls Civic Engagement

The Voices Of Change project seeks to address the disengagement of young people from established forms of democratic participation, particularly among girls with a migratory background. The project aims to foster their active citizenship, enhance their inclusion, and strengthen their contribution to the advancement of democracy. VOC will establish a European Consultative Body for Migrant Girls Civic Engagement, which will involve youth migrant and local girls in active political life, co-designing policies addressed to migrants and refugees.
The project targets young girls from outside Europe and European partner countries, involving both migrant and local girls to promote understanding and respect between different cultures. VOC’s general objective is to foster the understanding of the policymaking process among migrant and refugees’ girls, showing in practice how to engage in the democratic life of the EU and enabling them to make known and publicly exchange their views in all areas of Union action. The specific objectives include increasing migrant and refugees’ girls’ awareness of their rights and EU values, strengthening their democratic participation and bringing them closer to European institutions, communicating their views and concerns to policymakers at all levels, including intersectional dimensions, and making the new consultative body operational and enhancing its capabilities.
The project involves a consortium of 21 partners plus 1 associated partner coming from 16 different countries, who will work together to build their capacity to operate jointly, share good practices, and reinforce their network at the EU level, boosting internationalization of their activities. The project also involves citizens, residents, migrants, associations, and social and political forces to ensure that it is relevant and effective in addressing the issues at hand.

Start date: April 2024    End date: November 2025

Project code: 101182928

EU Grant: 232.000,00 EUR

Programme: CERV

Key Action: Citizens’ engagement and participation – 2023



  1. Tia formazione internazionale associazione [IT] 
  1. Chambre de commerce belgo-italienneasbl [BE]
  2. Politistiko idryma 1948 [CY]
  3. Asociatia grupul de actiune localanapoca porol [RO]
  4. Regionalne centrum wolontariatu [PL]
  5. Associazione differenza donna APS [IT]
  6. Instituto ikigai asociacion espanola para el empr [ES]
  7. Mundus Bulgaria [BG]
  8. Innovation hive – kypseli kainotomias [GR]
  9. Platform INS [NL]
  10. Universita degli studi roma tre [IT]
  11. Welcome Home International [BE]
  12. Eesti people to people [EE]
  13. Place Network [FR]
  14. Mednarodni institut za implementacijo rajnostn [SI]
  15. D’antilles et d’ailleurs [FR]
  16. Fachhochschule des Mittelstandes (FHM) GmBH – U [DE]
  17. Associazione italiana del consiglio dei comuni e d [IT]
  18. Sosu Ostjylland [DK]
  19. NGO Nest Berlin EV [DE]
  20. Rightchallenge – Associacao [PT]
  21. Menas ir inovacijos [LT]

Project TOPICS:  

Girls, Migration, Civic Engagement, Political Participation 


Young girls with a migratory background from outside Europe (19-30 years old)
Girls coming from European partner countries (19-30 years old).


Increasing migrant and refugees’ girls’ awareness of their rights and EU values, strengthening theirdemocratic participation and bringing them closer to European institutions

Project OUTCOMES: 

Online traing course
Drafting of a policy paper and recommendations

Project Website

Social Media Channels