Fostering inclusion of LGBTQI+ migrants at local level
The @nclusion project aims to improve inclusion for LGBTQI+ migrants and refugees by facilitating collaboration between LGBTQI+ organizations, migrant groups, communities, and local authorities; Enhancing the capabilities of stakeholders for LGBTQI+ integration and adapting successful mentoring models for LGBTQI+ migrants and refugees.
Start date: 01/04/2024 End date: 31/03/2027
Project Reference: 101141076
EU Grant: 1.430.000.00 €
Programme: Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (2021-2027)
- Anaptyxiaki Etaireia Lefkosias (Anel) Ltd [CY] (Coordinator)
- NGO Nest Berlin [DE]
- CSI Center for Social Innovation Ltd [CY]
- Symplexis [EL]
- Greek Forum of Migrants [EL]
- Cesie [IT]
- Anci Sicilia [IT]
- Wroclaw Miasto [PL]
- Fundacja Ukraina– [PL]
- Ayuntamiento de Alzira [ES]
Project TOPICS:
- LGBTQI+ migrant and refugee inclusion
- Poverty and social exclusion risks
- Intersectionality and multiple discrimination
Main target group: migrants’ organizations and communities, LGBTQI+ organizations and local authorities
Indirect target group: the project focuses on LGBTQI+ migrants and refugees as they have specific needs and vulnerabilities (incl. those in need of international protection)
- Increase awareness and know-how of local authorities/policymakers on challenges faced by LGBTQI+ migrants as well as increase inclusion of LGBTQI+ migrants issues in dialogue between policy makers
- inclusion of LGBTQI+ migrants in actions by LGBTQI+ organizations and at the same time increase synergy and cooperation between LGBTQI+ organizations and migrants’ organizations, and local authorities
- Develop and implement local integration strategies for LGBTQI+ (focusing on early integration, long term integration, and the building of inclusive and cohesive communities)
- Increase access to information for LGBTQI+ migrants & refugees about practices and services in the host countries
@nclusion aims to build cooperation and coordination among local authorities, migrants’ organizations and communities, LGBTQI+ organizations and other CSOs supporting the rights of migrants and LGBTQI+ persons in Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland & Spain, in order to support the implementation of local integration strategies that promote LGBTQI+ migrants and refugees inclusion. The project will implement the identification of the needs for changes in attitudes and processes towards LGBTQI+ migrants & refugees, capacity building and sensitization programme for members of migrants’ organizations, LGBTQI+ organizations, and local authorities; the rainbow buddies’ schemes for newly arrived migrants and refugees; the cooperation between local authorities, LGBTQI+ organizations, migrants’ organizations and other CSOs in local action planning; the information portal on local services for LGBTQI+ migrants & refugees in several languages ; and the dissemination and awareness raising actions.
- Reports identifying the needs for changes in attitudes and processes towards LGBTQI+ migrants & refugees.
- Training and Sensitization Programme available on an E-learning platform and creation of information portal for LGBTQI+ migrants & refugees.
- Toolkit on how to incorporate proposals and good practices in local action planning for LGBTQI+ migrants’ inclusion.
- Incorporation of ‘rainbow buddies’ schemes for newly arrived LGBTQ+ migrants and refugees.
- Local action plans/strategies/policies co-developed and co-revised to target the integration of LGBTQI+ migrants & refugees.
- Workshops and awareness raising events on a local and international level in 6 partner countries