Enhancing traditional craft practices though 3D printing and technology innovation
CRAFT3D will focus its efforts in the wood manufacturing sector, with a specific attention to the promotion of the use of 3dprinting in the industry though the development of dedicated VET curriculum in the form of MOOC, integrated by a work-based learning experience and with a tailor-made assessment tool to monitor learners progress in a digital environment. Activities that are going to be implemented are: developing a VET programme aimed at the upskilling of wooden craft artisans and carpenters (25-45) by providing them knowledge and specialized skills on 3dprinting and its applicability in the wood craft sector-developing an assessment tool for VET providers that supports the monitoring of VET learners learning progress in an online environment-Local phase of testing of the MOOC involving wood craft artisans and carpenters-local work-based learning phase and Mentorship Programme testing. The project will result in the creation of CRAFT3D MOOC on 3D-printing for the wood craft sector & Guide, CRAFT3D Assessment Tool, and CRAFT3D Mentorship Programme & Guide.
Start date: 1/11/2023 End date: 31/10/2025
Project Reference: 2023-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000154806
EU Grant: 250 000,00 €
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: KA2
Action Type: Cooperation Partnerships
- Camera Di Commercio Industria Artigianato E Agricoltura Della Basilicata [IT] (Coordinator)
- NGO NEST Berlin e.V. [DE]
- Euro-Net [IT]
- Centre de Difusio Tecnologica de la Fusta i del Moble de Catalunya [ES]
- Business Innovation Center Innobridge [BG]
- Luxembourg Creative Lab a.s.b.l. [LU]
Project TOPICS:
- Creativity, arts and culture
- Digital skills and competences
- Digital content and pedagogical practices
- Wooden craft artisans and carpenters (25-45)
- VET Providers and VET Educators
- Upskilling wooden craft artisans and carpenters (25-45) in the new digital era by means of providing them knowledge and specialized skills on 3d printing and its applicability in the wood craft sector
- Developing an assessment tool for VET providers that supports the monitoring of VET learners learning progress in an online environment
- Setting up mutual mentorship relations between wood craft artisans and carpenters participating in CRAFT3D activities and experts in 3d printing
“Enhancing traditional craft practices though 3D printing and technology innovation” (CRAFT3D) is a 24-month cooperation partnership in the field of Vocational Education and Training, aimed at promoting innovation in the craft sector by creating synergies with the technology and digital sectors. CRAFT3D will focus its efforts in the wood manufacturing sector, with a specific attention to the promotion of the use of 3d printing in the industry though the development of dedicated VET curriculum in the form of MOOC, integrated by a work-based learning experience and with a tailor-made assessment tool to monitor learners progress in a digital environment.
(1) CRAFT3D MOOC on 3D-printing for the wood craft sector & Guide
(2) CRAFT3D Assessment Tool
(3) CRAFT3D Mentorship Programme & Guide