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Data analysis and dual career: new paths for football athletes

The project Data analysis and dual career: new paths for football athletes [DAFNE] has chosen the figure of the Data Analyst, increasingly in demand in the sporting environment, as a factor in combating the dual career issues of less advantaged athletes: an innovative, immediately marketable, and fast growing professional competence, proposing a concrete solution to a very sensitive area in the European policy framework.
The project aims to develop innovative professional profiles within the field of Data Analytics, creating ad hoc training modules aimed to train professionals and provide footballers at lower levels with a valid tool to counteract dual career problems.


Start date: 12/1/2024    End date: 11/30/2026

Project code: 101182928

EU Grant: 400.000 €

Programme: Erasmus plus 

Key Action: Cooperation Partnerhips

Action Type: Sport Action




  • Associação de Futebol de Bragança (PT)

Partner Organizations:

  • Federația Română de Fotbal (RO)
  • Universidad de Murcia (ES)
  • EloquentProphecy, LDA (PT)
  • NGO Nest Berlin EV (DE)
  • Nogometni Klub IB 1975 Ljubljana (SL)
  • Hypex SRL (IT)

Project TOPICS:  

Dual Career Development for Athletes:
Addressing the challenges of managing a dual career for athletes.
Innovation in Sports Data Analytics:
Promoting the role of the Data Analyst as an emerging and relevant professional figure in the sports context.
Educational and Technological Integration:
Developing training modules and digital tools (e-learning platform, interactive simulator) for effective education, and digital and non-formal learning methodologies to improve athletes’ employability prospects.


  • Non-prime football players over 25
  • Athletes who are or have been part of lower-tier teams
  • Sport institutions
  • Stakeholders in education
  • Sports organizations
  • Sports managers
  • Policymakers


The objectives that DAFNE aims to attain are as follows:
Enhance athletes’ ability to analyze performance data from football matches, providing them with valuable expertise that can be applied in the labor market.
Investigate optimal time management and planning models that can help athletes balance their sports practice with their personal and professional lives, ensuring compatibility between both.
Implement and evaluate a hybrid educational approach combining non-formal education (NFE) modules with a digital in-game simulator, thereby improving learning outcomes and efficiency through highly realistic tools.


Project OUTCOMES: 

A handbook featuring a curriculum on the technical skills and competencies required for the Data Performance Analyst role, along with statistical insights and labor market trends relevant to this profession.
A research report and policy recommendations for sports organizations, focusing on organizational models and planning tools to support athletes in navigating dual-career paths.
An e-learning platform offering a MOOC designed to help athletes learn the concepts, principles, rules, and methodologies related to player performance analysis.
An in-game simulator providing a realistic environment for participants to engage in data analysis and extract results.

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