HUMANITY is a partnership in the field of education, training, and youth aiming at providing tools to educators, youth workers, educational leaders, and support staff, supporting the empowerment of young people (age 15- 24) in order to understand emotions as a means of information that is useful in positive youth development, linked to successful adaptation, social integration, and wellbeing. In order to promote the development of young people’s EIP skills within educational system, the partners intend to develop educational material using digital skills and to develop educators/youth workers competences.
Start date: 01/10/2022 End date: 30/09/2024
Projekt-Referenz: 2022-1-CZ01-KA220-YOU-000088017
EU-Zuschuss: 250.000,00 EUR
Programm: Erasmus+
Schlüsselaktion: KA 2
Aktionstyp: Kooperationspartnerschaften (Jugend)
Projekt PARTNER:
- Mezinarodni Vzdelavaci Centrum Gems [CZ] (Coordinator)
- NGO Nest Berlin e.V. [DE]
- It System Dynamics Italian Chapter [IT]
- Asociacija Aktyvistai [LT]
- Mundus Bulgaria [BG]
- Kadin Ve Genc Girisim Merkezi Dernegi [TR]
Projekt THEMEN:
- Entwicklung von Schlüsselkompetenzen
- Physical and mental health, well-being
- Qualität und Innovation der Jugendarbeit
Youth workers, young people aged 15 to 24, NGOs and associations working with young people, education providers.
Projekt ZIELE:
- Support educators, youth workers, educational leaders, and support staff’ in developing social and emotional competences
- Provide young people with personal development skills that will contribute to their good psychological health and wellbeing and help reduce youth anxiety and/or depressive disorder
- Provide educators, youth workers, educational leaders and support staff with knowledge regarding Emotional Intelligence Profile (EIP)
The project aims to create an inclusive environment where young people’s wellbeing is made a priority and reverse the curve of youth anxiety, depression and suicide. The pandemic has worsened the situation regarding this aspect and partners seek to intervene to create tools and an educational offer that address these young people to increase their emotional skills. The materials produced during the project implementation will allow youth workers to propose an educational offer dealing with the topic of emotional intelligence and addressed to young people. By helping young people to develop their emotional intelligence and their personal development, the consortium seeks to increase youth wellbeing and their ability to enter job market with confidence and strengthen this way their employability.
(1) Self- pace online Interactive Modules
(2) Creation of comprehensive curriculum material
(3) Training format to train educators on the implementation of the curriculum