NGO Nest Berlin also focuses on inclusivity and empowering persons with disabilities. Being affiliated with TUECHTIG, it welcomes and implements ideas in collaboration with other partner organizations from different countries to promote the idea of inclusivity.
The “TUECHTIG room for inclusion” is a working/meeting space for everyone who values an inclusive workplace, wants to promote their ideas together or individually, values diversity and interchange, and is searching for information and a work community that is distinctive in Berlin. Everyone is welcome at our workspace, regardless of where they are from or how they look.
We are actively committed to ensuring that every difference is accepted and valued. With KOPF, HAND + FUSS for an inclusive society.
NGO Nest Berlin has been involved in implementing certain projects in collaboration with partners from different countries such as,

“Dis-Act” is a KA2 Strategic Partnership project in the field of adults co-funded by the Erasmus+ program. This is a project to enhance the inclusive potential of Theatre as an instrument of opening opportunities and dispelling prejudice against people with disability through the production of a quality educational offer for operators and disabled adults themselves in Devised Theatre.
The Devised Theatre is conceived as an original approach to theatrical production entailing a peer process of cooperation between a group of co-creators in the achievement of a final artistic product. In simple words, Devised Theatre is a process in which the whole creative team develops a Show collaboratively.
Through the production of a quality educational offer fostering the capacities of adult operators and institutions in employing Devised Theatre as an instrument of empowerment of adults with disabilities in a process of cooperation with non-disabled peers, the project Dis-Act sets the grounds for the development of soft/transversal skills and competences of creative expression in the disabled, while at the same time breaking stereotypes, internalized and external emotional barriers hampering the full inclusion of adults with disabilities in society
Target Groups
Direct targets: disabled adults aged 35-55 coming from disadvantaged urban and rural communities and Educators/Trainers providing or interested in providing support to their social inclusion.
Indirect targets: adult education institutions, NGOs, cultural businesses and associations, Arts centers/groups, Organizations of disabled people, and Organizations/public agencies providing services for disabled people.
Project’s Objectives
Project objectives /is supportive of the identified priorities as follows:
- empowering people with disability with a view to enabling their full participation in society on a footing of parity with the non-disabled
- eliminating all kinds of discrimination against disabled people by positive action.
Project Partners
- NGO Nest Berlin
- CRN [Germany]
- EURO-NET [Italy]
- CECIS [Romania]

2) DIS-Employability – Supporting the Employability of young disabled people
DIS-employability is a 24-month Strategic Partnership in the field of Youth Education involving several European entities working with disabled people. It aims at providing disabled people with useful employability skills through the development of critical thinking for promoting their inclusion in the labor market. Critical thinking is considered an important methodology for the development of employability skills. People with a high level of critical thinking and reasoning are likely to be innovative, bringing new ideas and creative solutions to even the most difficult business challenges.
Target groups
Direct: Joint Staff: Youth workers who work in the field of Youth education in critical thinking Blended Mobility of Learners: disabled people aged 18+ coming from disadvantaged urban and rural communities and Educators/Trainers providing or interested in providing support to their social inclusion
Indirect: education institutions, NGOs, cultural businesses and associations, Arts centres/groups, Organizations of disabled people, Organizations/public agencies providing services fordisabled people
DIS-employability aims at providing disabled people useful employability skills through the development of critical thinking for promoting their inclusion in the labor market.
Partner Countries
Asociatia Babilon Travel Romania
Innovation Frontiers IKE Greece