Journey to Peace
Journey to Peace was a Training Course involving youth workers from different countries. It aimed at training and educate youth workers engaged in working with migrants and minorities.
Start: 01-08-2018 – End: 31-05-2019
Project Reference: 2018-1-DE04-KA105-016421
EU Grant: 15430 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals
Action Type: Youth mobility
Project TOPICs:
Nowadays while the world is “shaken” by terrorist attacks, violence, fights for the power, etc., the Mass Media are the only, and daily, “supply” of information. In this background while people are suffering and thinking only for themselves, prejudices and stereotypes are spreading far and wide, nurturing hate between countries.
Youth workers from migrants and refugees field.
Ice breakers, team building, simulation excercices, debates, roundtable, SWOT analysis, poblem and solution trees, and study visit.
The Training Course “Journey to Peace” took place from 14th to 22nd of February 2019 in Berlin, GERMANY.