INTER-DEM – INTERcultural Dialogue to Empower Minorities
INTER-DEM is focused on promoting peaceful interaction, mutual discovery and tolerance between natives and ethnic minorities youth through training young people in becoming potential Youth Digital Activists, in promoting intercultural dialogue in micro-realities through and in New Media Channels.
Start: 01-02-2020 End: 31-07-2021
Project reference:
EU Grant: 82630 EUR Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Learning Mobility of Individuals
Action type: Youth mobility
Project coordinator: Asociation Juvenil Intercambia (Spain)
Project partners:
Project TOPICs:
- Romas and/or other minorities
- Social dialogue
- Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy)
Target GROUPs:
- The project will involve youngsters from national ethnic minorities as well as native youths.
Project’s OBJECTIVEs:
The project is supportive of the identified priorities as follows:
- 1 Research Report containing statistics and needs regarding ethnic minority youths in matter of social inclusion in participating partner countries.
- 1 Toolkit containing existent best practices and employed workshop on Social Media
Communication, Social Activism Campaigning, Digital Storytelling and Digital Educational Tools for contrasting phenomena of racism and discrimination as well as spreading positive values of inclusion and tolerance, drafted during the fourth mobility and finalised before the local dissemination events.
- 1 Blog created by the participants during the first mobility which will be the diary of their shared educational learning journey.
- 4 Digital Storytelling products created during the second mobility.
- 4 National and 1 International Social Campaigns launched during the third mobility.
- The necessity of youth awareness about racism and discrimination as well as of the active contrast in the field of youth is stressed by the European Youth Strategy, which sets the objective of supporting the development of cultural awareness and the contrast of prejudice among the youth.
Project Activities:
- 3 TPM
- 4 Blended Youth Motilities (1 per partner country)