NoOneOut! – Our Diversity is our Great Asset
NOO! project aims to increase motivation to create a proper and positive working atmosphere, friendly and stimulating for all students without exception. The results will include a manual where the work of the project is included: students’ profiles, lesson plans, articles and evaluations -s meant as a learning tool for our schools as well as others.
Start date: 01/09/2023 End date: 31/08/2025
Project Reference: 2023-1-IS01-KA220-SCH-000158188
EU Grant: 120.000,00 EUR
Programme: Erasmus +
Key Action: KA2
Action Type: Cooperation Partnership
- Glerarskoli Akureyri, (Coordinator) [IS]
- NGO NEST Berlin e.V. [DE]
- Cumhuriyet Ortaokulu [TR]
- Istituto Comprensivo Monte Rosello Basso [IT]
- Kratbjergskolen afd. Ravnsholt [DK]
- Mousiko Gymnasio of Chalkida ‘Nikos Skalkotas’ [GR]
Project TOPICS:
- New learning and teaching methods and approaches
- Physical and mental health, well-being
- Soft skills
Young people (10-15 yo), junior and high school teachers.
- O1 Bring together students, teachers, parents & communities – united in their uniqueness & diversity – know, understand, support & value each other & strengthen education through intercultural awareness in Europe and beyond
- O2 Foster cooperation, inclusion & active involvement to prevent school exclusion & failure by reducing disparities in learning outcomes.
- O3 Promote responsible citizens who take care of their well-being & they are sensitive to social issues like environment issues
- O4 Provide students a serene & ease learning environment & a good quality of education through innovative pedagogical approaches.
10-15-year-old students, are facing the same problems: less interested in studying & learning, difficulty focusing on a task because of lack of motivation, concentration & indifference in social relations. Recent research indicates that a well-designed and implemented Social Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum helps children gain confidence, resolve conflicts, learn social conduct, resist social pressure, reduce negative social behaviors, manage stress and anxiety. To make these positive aspects real, the project aims to increase motivation to create a proper and positive working atmosphere, friendly and stimulating for all students without exception. In this way, we primarily plan to prevent school failure and early leaving, reduce negative problems and maximize learning. The results will include a manual where the work of the project: student‘s profiles, lesson plans, articles and evaluations, is included and meant as a learning tool for our schools as well as other.
(1) E-book “Pratical Pedagocigal Ideas”
(2) “Manual of an Inclusive Teacher: Practical ideas and Lesson Plans”