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Phoenix – Responding to COVID19: Revitalization of the creativity sector

Phoenix project is aimed at supporting the disadvantaged target groups of the youth field, providing a community approach: where the national can’t do, the local should take action.

Start: 01/09/2022   End: 31/08/2024

Project Reference: 2022-1-PT02-KA220-YOU-000088212

EU Grant: 120.000,00 EUR

Programme: Erasmus+

Key Action: KA2

Action Type: Cooperation Partnerships (Youth



  • Teatro Metaphora – Associação de Amigos das Artes [PT] (Coordinator)
  • NGO Nest Berlin e.V. [DE]
  • Cross Culture International Foundation Cyprus [CY]
  • Crossing Borders AB [DK]
  • Skills Lab 21 [FR]

Project TOPICS:

  • Creativity, arts and culture
  • Community development
  • Digital content, technologies and practices



Young amateurs, freelancers and non-profit youth associations from the creativity sector


  • Supporting disadvantaged young amateurs, freelancers and non-profit youth associations from the creativity sector in order to make them active again
  • Stimulating the sense of community as well as community support attitude in order to revitalize the local creative sector
  • Elaborate sustainable virtual means aimed at supporting the revitalization of the small-scale actors of the creative sector


Young amateurs, freelancers and non-profit youth associations from the creativity sector will considerably improve their skills thanks to the acquisition of the community reporting methodology and the co-design of the Creativity Actions included in the Web Platform. Furthermore, they will acquire new skills in the digital/technological field that could be useful in the future. Last but not least the Web Platform that will be developed by the project will provide them with the opportunity for their actions to be supported and funded also in the future. From the educational perspective, partners will acquire new innovative tools to be integrated into their educational offer and employed in their daily work as they can be adapted to cover also other topics.



(1) E-Course on Community Reporting, Digital Content Creation & Crowdfunding

(2) Web Platform & Interactive Map of projects, people & places

Project Website

Social Media Channels