DECRYPT – Digital and sciEntifiC liteRacY uPskilling for adulTs
Education strives to keep the pace with our fast-changing world, especially for those sectors of society not always involved in formal education programmes, such as the adults, and in rapidly evolving sectors (DigComp, science). DECRYPT aims to provide tools of digital and science education for adults to foster a better understanding of scientific concepts helping to identify reliable sources in new media
Start: 01/03/2022 End: 01/03/2024
Project Reference: 2021-2-DE02-KA210-ADU-000049482
EU Grant: 60.000,00 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: KA 2
Action Type: Small-scale Partnerships (Adults)
Project Partners:
- NGO Nest Berlin e.V. [DE] (Coordinator)
- EduLab – APS [IT]
- Lykia Izcilik Ve Doga Sporlari Kulubu Dernegi [TR]
- Innovation Frontiers IKE [GR]
Project TOPICS:
- Information and communication technologies (ICT)
- European identity
- Digital skills and competences
The target group is identified in adults, aged 35+, with basic, none or obsolete scientific literacy and who need to overcome the gap with the so called Millennials and Generation Z in terms of digital skills. Target group consists also in educators in STEM and digital literacy for adults, willing to acquire new perspectives and exchange successful practices.
- Establish a partnership to research and exchange experiences on digital and STEM education for adults in partner countries, and then lead to the elaboration of a finalized training format.
- A Training Format with the educational programme for STEM and digital literacy, gathering research results and best practices having as aim to promote digital and scientific education
- A Joint Staff involving educators in digital and scientific literacy, having the Training Format as an educational tool.
The European Commission has set among its priorities to pursue science education for responsible citizenship and to follow The Digital Competence Framework 2.0, which considers Information and data literacy to be one of the fundamental components of digital competence. The Training Format will be tailored to the needs of adults and adult educators to foster the development of knowledge, skills, and competences of digital and scientific literacy. The format will be scalable, targeted at basic skills but aiming at reaching a higher level of knowledge and will pursue the ultimate goal of promoting digital and scientific literacy as fundamental references for informed, active and involved citizens.
(1) Training Format (ENG)
Training Format (DE)
(2) Joint Staff Training Event