Empowering Young People with Down Syndrome through Technology
“EmpowerTech” is a project dedicated to fostering inclusion and diversity, particularly among young learners with Down syndrome. By addressing the barriers they often face in education and employment, the project aims to provide tailored educational materials, training, and opportunities in electronics. This initiative not only promotes inclusivity in education but also enhances the employability of young people with Down syndrome by imparting practical skills and offering mentorship. By introducing innovative educational methods and sharing its findings with stakeholders, “EmpowerTech” contributes to improving the quality and innovation in youth work practices.
Start date: 01/01/2024 End date: 31/12/2025
Project Reference: 2023-2-IT03-KA220-YOU-000178021
EU Grant: 120 000,00 Euro
Programme: Erasmus plus
Kay action: Action Type: KA220-YOU – Cooperation partnerships in youth (KA220 YOU)
- NGO Nest Berlin e.v [DE]
- Smart Nest [LT]
Project TOPICS
- Disabilities
- Inclusion, promoting equality and non-discrimination
- Equal access and transition to labour market
- Youth workers and educators aged 20 and above, possessing experience in working with individuals with disabilities.
- Young learners with Down syndrome aged 18 and above.
- To pinpoint the obstacles that hinder young individuals with Down syndrome from accessing suitable educational and training opportunities.
- To enhance the knowledge and skills of youth workers and educators in novel methodologies and mentoring support approaches, thereby boosting their competencies.
- To empower young people with Down syndrome by equipping them with knowledge and skills in electronics, consequently enhancing their employability prospects and self-esteem
The JRC’s recent report on Down syndrome in Europe spanning 25 years reveals that out of 5.2 million annual EU births, about 2.5% have congenital anomalies, with Down syndrome accounting for 8%. Despite medical progress, job inclusion remains a significant challenge for individuals with Down syndrome across Europe. The European Down Syndrome Association (EDSA) reports that young adults with Down syndrome face significant employment challenges due to obstacles like inadequate support, employer biases, and lack of preparation. In response, the EmpowerTech project aims to enhance job inclusion by addressing these barriers. EmpowerTech aims to promote job inclusion for individuals with Down syndrome through innovative training methods, digital competence support, and fostering connections with employers. Its holistic approach involves youth workers and educators, fostering collaboration to address prevailing conditions. Tailored educational materials and activities are designed to suit each nation’s unique needs, enhancing partners’ educational capabilities. The project’s methodologies of tinkering and coding in electronics offer broad adaptability, extending its impact beyond its initial scope to various sectors. Overall, EmpowerTech presents a promising initiative to tackle longstanding employment challenges faced by individuals with Down syndrome in Europe.
- E-learning course tailored for youth workers and educators, centered on tinkering, coding methodologies, and mentoring schemes.
- Research Report presenting the findings of a comprehensive study on the educational requirements of young people with Down syndrome and the existing offerings.
- A Training Format designed for young learners with Down syndrome, rooted in tinkering methodology.
- A Web Platform meeting high accessibility standards and featuring interactive coding modules.