Developing VET Entrepreneurial Green Mindset and skills for Small-Business Development.
GSMESKILL project will aim to reinforce the links between Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa to the programme’s VET system in order to better align VET to local labour markets, as well as to increase capacities of VET providers and teachers in the fields of management, governance, inclusion, quality assurance, innovation and internationalization and to improve the level of competences, skills and the employability potential of learners.
Start: 01/01/2023 End: 31/12/2025
Project Reference: 101091883
EU Grant: 400.000,00 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: KA 2
Action Type: Capacity Building (VET)
- EDUFORMA SRL [IT] (Coordinator)
- NGO Nest Berlin e.V. [DE]
- PRIZMA Foundation for Improvement of Employment Possibilities [SI]
- European Knowledge Spot [GR]
- Center for digital skills acquisition for women and youth in Africa [NG]
- Egunec Education Support Foundation [NG]
- Yadaversity Education Company Ltd [NG]
- Ustadi Foundation [KEN]
- The Southern Africa Development Research & Training Institute [ZAF]
Project TOPICS:
- Improving employability opportunities
- Strengthening African and EU’s relationship
- Improve research about needs of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
VET learners and providers, SME’s representatives.
- Reinforce the links between African and European partners with the VET system and its labor market.
- Increasing the capacities of VET providers and teachers especially in the fields of management, governance, inclusion, quality assurance, innovation and internationalization.
- Improving the level of competences, skills and employability potential of VET learners.
The EU has increasingly recognized the importance of entrepreneurship and SMEs, not only to improve competitiveness, and therefore, contribute to economic growth, but also as the main source of job creation and fundamental factor for social cohesion. Besides being small, the TVET sector in most Sub-Saharan countries is characterized by a significant lack of practical relevance and responsiveness to labor market needs. Promoting entrepreneurship development through a properly coordinated education would assist in changing this scenario. Moreover, the delivery approaches adopted by formal VET are not conducive for training for the informal economy, because the curricula generally focus on formal qualifications and are not able to adapt to specific skills needs. Therefore, the project aims to works specifically on these two aspects.
(1) Evidence based research and mapping of skills and good practices
(2) Coaching Guide on Innovative and digitalised vocational methodologies
(3) Training Toolbox for VET Entrepreneurial Green Mindset and skills for Small Business Development
(4) E-Learning Platform & Policy Recommendations