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Empowering the professional profile of people with migrant background.

JobLinguo project is aimed to support the job market inclusion of people with migrant background through the improvement of their professional profile in terms of sectoral language, and to adapt the training offer of VET providers and other stakeholders to the linguistic needs of people with migrant background.

Start date: 01/05/2022      End date: 01/05/2024

Project Reference: 2021-2-IT01-KA210-VET-000048305

EU Grant: 60.000,00EUR

Programme: Erasmus+

Key Action: KA2

Action Type: Small-scale Partnerships (VET)


  • EduLab-APS [IT] (Coordinator)
  • NGO Nest Berlin e.V. [DE]
  • TIR Consulting Group [HR]
  • Zbornica za razvoj podjetnikov [SI]

Project TOPICS:

  • Employability
  • Equal access and transition to labour market


Experts in languages teaching; stakeholders’ expert from the public administration, agricultural, financial and insurance activities field; people with migrant background that already own the competencies related to the public administration, agricultural, financial and insurance activities


  • Support the job market inclusion of people with migrant background through the improvement of their professional profile in terms of sectoral language
  • Adapt the training offer of VET providers and other stakeholders to the linguistic needs of people with migrant background


From the point of view of policymakers, language is one key to a successful integration. (…) From the perspective of Economics, language is a main input factor to the production of human capital. Referring to Dustmann and Glitz (2011) expose that proficiency in the host country’s official language improves cross-border transferability of human capital and labor market experience collected before migration. In 2020 8.7 million non-EU citizens were employed in the EU labour market, out of 188.9 million persons aged from 20 to 64, corresponding to 4.6% of the total (Eurostat). Among the various sectors that employ non-EU citizens, there are some unrepresented ones such as Public administration (1.2%), Financial and insurance activities (1.1%), Agricultural workers (1.3%). JobLinguo aims to provide support to people with migrant background in order for them to be included in the labour market of the hosting country with more possibilities offered.



(1) Sectoral language programme

(2) Local trainings // language courses

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