Multisport Community Experience (MCE) is a social-innovation sport project based on collective “movement” activity and competition. This project aims at activating a new user experience, new sense of belonging, new emotions, new relationship and healthy competition and a compelling motivation for a physically active and healthy living.
Start: 01-01-2021 – End: 30-06-2023
Project Reference: 622555-EPP-1-2020-1-IT-SPO-SCP
EU Grant: 398.995 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Sport Chapter
Action Type: Collaborative Partnership
Project TOPICs:
- Encourage participation in sport and physical activity, especially by supporting the European Week of Sport.
- Encourage participation in sport and physical activity, especially by supporting the 14 implementation of the Council Recommendation on health-enhancing physical activity and being in line with the EU Physical Activity Guidelines.
Sport Coaches and citizens of all ages.
IO 1: “Multisport Community Index”: an algorithm aimed at identifying different categories of people according to their lifestyle.
IO 2: Web Platform/App: The web platform will be the main instrument of the “Multisport Community Experience” game. Through the platforms the participants will access the Index and register their team, getting points according to the composition of the team. The platform will allow the audience to actively interact in the game design preparation of the event.
IO 3: Guidelines: a document including all the programs, activities, practices and results collected during the whole project. All these contents will form together a Manual for organizations with different profiles.
International Training:
N° of participants: 15 (3 per each partner country)
Age: All ages
Profile: Sport Coaches
Local Phase:
Local Training
N° of participants: 25 (5 for each partner country)
Age: All ages
Profile: Sport Coaches with at least 3 years of experience
Multisport Day:
N° of participants: 150 (30 per each partner country)
Age: All Ages
Profile: General
Local Training
N° of participants: 25 (5 for each partner country)
Age: All ages
Profile: Sport Coaches with at least 3 years of experience, who participated to the previous Local Training
Multisport Day:
N° of participants: 150 (30 per each partner country)
Age: All Ages
Profile: General
Multiplier Event:
N° of participants: /
Age: All ages
- representants of the partner organization;
- participants in local sport events;
- sport ambassadors participants of the international training;
- sport coaches participants of the local training;
- a representation of the stakeholders relevant for the project.
For more information visit our Facebook page.