Up-Skill Cloud
Up-skilling the VET sector to Cloud Computing
The European Commission has evidenced the great value that cloud computing technologies can have for the development of the European Union both in terms of economic growth and employability opportunities, which European Cloud Computing Strategy has recently set up to speed up and increase the use of cloud computing across all economic sectors, pointing the environmentally friendly cloud as well to enable other sectors to reduce their own footprints through digitization. However, there is a gap in the labour market when it comes to ICT skills and cloud computing specialist. As highlighted by Eurostat 2019, more than half of EU enterprises that recruited or tried to recruit ICT specialists had difficulties in filling ICT vacancies. Therefore, there is a great potential of innovation and digitalisation by supporting high quality VET, which would further enhance the employability and personal development of VET learners (16-25 years old), hence contributing to the competitiveness of companies, sustainable growth and social cohesion. The Digital Compass: The European way for the Digital Decade aims by 2030 to have 75% of European enterprises to have taken up cloud computing services and big Data and having more than 90% of European SMEs reach at least a basic level of digital intensity. In this context, the scope of the project aims to involve VET providers, providing them tools and competences in the cloud computing sector in response to the needs detected in the industry or increasing the flexibility of opportunities in VET. Vet providers will be therefore to teach new didactic processes to VET learners (16-25 years old), with their exposure to new curriculums addressed (Cloud Computing), new skills will be fostered, matching with the companies of the ICT sector labour market necessities.
Start date : 01/09/2022 End date : 31/08/2024
Project Code: 2022-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000087513
EU Grant: 250.000,00 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: KA 2
Action Type: Cooperation Partnerships (VET)
- Afridat UG [DE] (Coordinator)
- NGO Nest Berlin e.V. [DE]
- Umbria Training Center [IT]
- European Career Evolution [IE]
- Nicea Kültür ve Eğitim Derneği [TR]
Project TOPICS:
- Digital skills and competences
- Overcoming skills mismatch and addressing the needs of the labour market
- Creating new, innovative or joint curricula or courses
VET providers and VET learners.
The project wants to address the priorities addressing digital transformation through development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity and Adapting vocational education and training to labour market needs. By supporting the digital transformation of the VET sector, it increases the capacity and readiness of VET providers to widen their educational offer. The project is focused on Cloud Computing teaching, developing online pedagogical content and further expertise in the use of ICT skills for VET providers that will be replicated to VET learners. This will be supported by developing competencies in ICT sector, meeting the needs of the target group both on professional and sustainable sides through the deliverables developed. The qualifications developed in the framework of the project will be certificated using Europass and ECVET to enhance the use in the job market of the skills acquired
(1) Research report
(2) Training scheme and assessment model
(3) MOOC