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Ilaria Macchitella

Ilaria Macchitella BRIEF INFOIlaria has an academic background in Sociology with a Socio-Economic and Labor Studies curriculafrom Sapienza University of Rome. Since high school, she…

Alessandra Lupis

Alessandra Lupis  BRIEF INFOWith a background in law, Alessandra’s passion lies in comparative and international law, as well asentrepreneurship and international cooperation.She brings with her…

Stella Pegoraro

Stella Pegoraro BRIEF INFOStella holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and International Relations from the University of Trento and she recently graduated from a…

Uxia Portela

Uxía Portela   BRIEF INFOUxía is studying a Bachelor´s degree in Political Science at Santiago de Compostela´s University. She´s now on her last year of studies,…

Lisa Anzelini

Lisa AnzeliniEuropean Project Assistant  BRIEF INFOWorking as Assistant project manager and part of the reporting team for European projects implemented by NEST. She holds a…

Mattia Badano

Mattia BadanoEuropean Project Assistant  BRIEF INFOMattia Badano is a European Projects Assistant at NGO Nest with a multidisciplinary and multifaceted academic background. He is currently…

Francesco Marini

Francesco MariniEuropean Project Assistant  BRIEF INFO Francesco Marini is a European Projects Assistant at NGO Nest with a multidisciplinary and multifaceted academic background. He graduated…