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MENTORS – Multi-actors EducatioNal impacT mOdels for childRen: a Sport-centric approach MENTORS is a 30-month cooperation project aimed at expanding the role of referees in children’s…


ITHAND – Inclusion Through HANDball The “Inclusion Through Handball” project aims to bring immigrants together within European societies through sports and integrate them with the locals.…


SIVO – Sitting Volleyball- for inclusion and well-being There are 87 million citizens with disabilities in Europe, about half of whom have a physical disability. Sport…


 fosterinG eco-heAlthy nutRitional attituDEs in the school population through hybrid educatioNal Schemes The GARDENS project aligns with the EU’s digitization policies, aiming to improve education…


 Data analysis and dual career: new paths for football athletesThe project Data analysis and dual career: new paths for football athletes [DAFNE] has chosen the…

Pirouette 2

PerformatIve aRts fOr yoUth EngagemenT and communiTy rEgeneration – Phase 2 – Global to Local Project built upon the two-year PIROUETTE initiative (2022-2023), aims to promote…

Sust3D Fashion

Sust3DFashion   Textile and Fashion Manufacturing towards Industry 4.0 Sust3DFashion is a 24-month partnership focused on promoting innovation in the textile and fashion manufacturing sector through 3D printing,…