Renaming streets and places as decolonial practice
Exploring EU urban landscapes for a deconstruction of colonial narratives
EUrban DECO – “Exploring EU urban landscapes for a deconstruction of colonial narratives”, running from March 2024, to February 2026, examines the colonial legacy within Europe’s urban environments. By exploring symbols, romanticized narratives, and toponymy, it aims to expose the lasting influence of colonial ideologies in EU cities. The project is funded by the CERV – European Remembrance Programme and involves partners from Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, Netherlands, Albania and Germany. The key outcomes of the project are: first of all, the creation of updated urban maps for the seven participating cities, highlighting colonial traces (toponomy, buildings, monuments) and symbolically renaming of significant locations from the perspective of colonized peoples to reflect a more inclusive historical narrative. Secondly, the organization of seven transnational events, each addressing a specific aspect of European colonial history, designed to be highly participatory, involving target groups such as immigrant communities, minorities, women, and local authorities. Thirdly, the establishment of a transnational citizens’ network to enhance the audience towards the topic.
Start date: 1.3.24 End date: 28.2.26
Project Reference: 101143733
EU Grant: 166.495,00 €
Programme: CERV European Remembrance – 2023
- Associazione Atrium – Architecture of Totalitaria [IT] (Coordinator)
- NGO Nest Berlin [DE]
- Ayuntamiento de Benetússer [ES]
- Solution: Solidarite &Inclusion [FR]
- Minicipio de Lousada [PT]
- Stichting Vital Aid Foundation [NL]
- Bashkia Permet [AL]
- Universidad de Alicante [ES]
- Women Of Mediterranean East and South European Network [IT]
Project TOPICS:
- Colonial legacy and ideology
- Multicultural integration
- Cultural remembrance
- Immigrant communities and minorities in the project cities
- Associations of migrants, women and migrant women in the project cities
- Youngsters and high schools in the project cities (> 18 yr.)
- Local public authorities
- Residents and native people in the project cities, particularly in multicultural neighbourhoods and in areas highly connected with the country’s colonial imagery
- Raising awareness on the relationship between urban landscape, historic memory and multicultural integration
- Exposing the colonial legacy inside EU cities’ environments and start a collective debate about its impact
- Promoting new narratives and shared cultural remembrance inside EU cities’ toponymy, with the active involvement of minority groups and immigrant communities
- Setting up a transnational initiative to attract wider attention on the topic from public authorities and stakeholders.
EUrban DECO deals with the colonial legacy of Europe’s recent past on cities and local societies. In particular, the project carries out a joint transnational investigation to show how the colonial ideology is still influential in today’s urban environment through the use of symbols, romanticised narratives, naming and toponymy of EU cities. The project sets the following specific objectives: raise awareness on the relationship between urban landscapes, historic memory and multicultural integration; expose the colonial legacy inside EU cities’ environments and start a collective debate about its impact; promote new narratives and shared cultural remembrance inside EU cities’ toponymy, with the active involvement of minority groups and immigrant communities; set up a transnational initiative to attract wider attention on the topic from public authorities and stakeholders. To achieve these objectives, EUrban DECO will produce/implement:
A collection of revised urban maps for the 7 cities involved in the project, outlining the key references linked to the colonial legacy and renaming them under the perspective of colonised peoples
7 transnational events (each focused on a specific sub-topic of EU colonial history) with a highly participatory profile and with the active involvement of target groups
1 transnational network/citizens’ initiative aimed to attract policy makers’ attention to the topic of colonial legacy in EU cities and demanding collective action to re-discuss it.
All of the above activities will be carried out keeping also a focus on a gender perspective and with the active involvement of local target groups who will benefit from the project: Immigrant communities and minorities in the project cities, associations of migrants, women and migrant women in the project cities, youngsters, local public authorities, citizens and residents.
- 7 transnational events (mobilities focused on EU colonial legacy in partner cities)
- Revised urban maps