SbS – Step by Step
Start: 01-09-2019 – End: 31-08-2021
Project Reference: 2019-1-IT01-KA202-007534
EU Grant: 118465 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
Project TOPICs
Step by Step” aims at reducing the “Early leavers from education and training” phenomenon by sharing good practice among EU partners in order to duplicate successfull supportive scheme for schoolteachers/mentors, business mentors with the puropose of keep SLD and SLI learners motivated by means of Work-Based Learning WBL interconned activities. SBS is aimed at creating a network of international partners actively engaged in fighting early school leaving by stimulating the pro-active attitude of SLD and SLI learners and entrepreneurial spirit.
Youngsters affected by SLD and SLI that feel excluded from the society and often affected by bullism.
Non Formal Education
- 3 Short-term Joint Staff Training Events
- 4 Transnational Projects Meetings