DECRYPT – Digital and sciEntifiC liteRacY uPskilling for adulTsEducation strives to keep the pace with our fast-changing world, especially for those sectors of society not…
HUMANITY is a partnership in the field of education, training, and youth aiming at providing tools to educators, youth workers, educational leaders, and support staff,…
Empowering the professional profile of people with migrant background.JobLinguo project is aimed to support the job market inclusion of people with migrant background through the…
BDC – Becoming Digitally ConsciousBDC project is aiming at the promotion of healthy digital habits among young people. The goal is to make this group…
PIROUETTE – Performative Arts for Youth Engagement and Community Regeneration PIROUETTE is a project aiming at promoting the use of performative street arts such as…
VR-Schooldom – Developing VR educational tools to support class accommodation and peer-level based learning for students with dyslexia The project aims at putting in place…
YOUng people STANDing OUT through the promotion of local heritage in rural areasIn the EU, youth from rural areas experience scarcity of formal and informal…
Multisport Community Experience is a social-innovation sport project based on collective “movement” activity and competition. This project aims at activating a new user experience, new…
INTER-DEM - INTERcultural Dialogue to Empower MinoritiesINTER-DEM konzentriert sich auf die Förderung der friedlichen Interaktion, der gegenseitigen Entdeckung und der Toleranz zwischen Einheimischen und Jugendlichen ethnischer Minderheiten durch...
ART-SPORT HYBRID COMMUNITYART-SPORT HYBRID COMMUNITY ist eine strategische Partnerschaft im Jugendbereich in internationaler Zusammenarbeit mit Organisationen aus 5 europäischen Ländern (Rumänien, Deutschland, Italien, Irland...