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FosterINg migranTs intEGRAtion with crowdfundingINTEGRA will provide young people with immigrant backgrounds that suffer from social discrimination with specific tools to overcome the barriers, entering…


Phoenix – Responding to COVID19: Revitalization of the creativity sector Phoenix project is aimed at supporting the disadvantaged target groups of the youth field, providing…


DECRYPT – Digital and sciEntifiC liteRacY uPskilling for adulTsEducation strives to keep the pace with our fast-changing world, especially for those sectors of society not…


Empowering the professional profile of people with migrant background.JobLinguo project is aimed to support the job market inclusion of people with migrant background through the…


SchoolYards4Sport –Revitalize the schoolyards as valuable sporting resources for the community The purpose of the SchoolYards4Sport project is to study, create, test anddisseminate a strategic…